Insyde Flash Firmware Tool Download

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  1. Insyde Bios Firmware

Insydeflash Windows Bios Flash Utility Download

To provide a more consistent, reliable firmware update experience and improve discoverability of important system firmware updates for end-users, Windows 8 supports a platform for installing system and device firmware updates via driver packages. Learn how the system firmware update feature of Windows 8 works. Re:Today i Received an BIOS update from Insyde H2OFFT ( Flash Firmware Tool ) Version 6.20 2021-07-08, 7:06 AM When I pressed Ctrl Alt Del in order to get to the task manager, it then continued and restarted and then did the update and everything was fine.

Insydeflash windows bios flash utility download, INF Update Utility – Primarily for Intel 6, 5, 4, 3, 900 Series Chipsets – Zip Format. If you are not a developer. Step 1 – Preparing working tools • Download and install. • Download ‘HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool’.
BIOS update from INSYDE Flash today
BIOS update from INSYDE Flash today 12-15-2017 08:10 PM – edited 12-15-2017 08:24 PM HP Recommended Mark as New Bookmark Subscribe Permalink Print Email to a Friend Flag Post Product: Pavilion dv Notebook

How to flash InsydeH2O EFI under DOS enviroment …

· Download “Flash It Tool” here. Save this file inside “Toolbox” folder. Extract files downloaded in 2, 3 and 4. A folder will be created for each extracted ZIP file. Step 1 done. Step 2 – Creating a booteable USB stick

Today i Received an BIOS update from Insyde H2OFFT ( …

· Today i Received an BIOS update from Insyde H2OFFT ( Flash Firmware Tool ) Version 6.20. I just want to check is this BIOS update from Lenovo Company. Please find the below sceen shot what i received from. Let me know is this a genuine software or not
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I have had my pavilion dv6-2030sa bios currupt for no apparent reason, I am trying to make a recovery USB, when i download and execute the bios update utility, it extracts to c:swsetup[exename] and runs “WinFlash.exe” after extracting the files from that, it runs the InsydeFlash.exe (or InsydeFlas
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Flashing the BIOS with a dead battery is asking for problems. If for some reason the system loses power during the update, your system is bricked and only a new motherboard can fix it. Even with a good battery unless you are having a specific problem that the update addresses it …
insyde flash bios
Free Flash Drivers: Insyde BIOS Modding Hidden Settings The most common way of unlocking most of these hidden options is to modify the internal form representation, IRF, used in EFIs human interface pin donovan6000’s Blog: Insyde Bios Modding: Advanced

Toshiba BIOS Updates downloads for your …

Fill in your name and email and receive our ebook ‘How to update your PC BIOS in 3 easy steps’ (15$ value), free BIOS tips and updates about Wim’s BIOS! Below you can download the latest Toshiba bios upgrade for your motherboard after signup with the eSupport BIOSAgentPlus service.

UEFITool Download – kostenlos – CHIP

UEFITool 0.27.0 Englisch: UEFITool ist ein kostenloses Programm zur Anpassung Ihres BIOS. Sicherer Download Der CHIP Installer lädt diesen Download ausschließlich schnell und sicher über CHIP
Aspire ES1-111M-C7DE BIOS won’t flash
I have an Aspire ES1-111M-C7DE whose battery is failing to charge. As a part of my efforts to remedy the problem, I am trying to flash the BIOS to 1.16. However, the InsydeFlash utility obtained from Acer’s “Support & Downloads” page will not run
HP Insyde BIOS recovery steps.
· HP Insyde UEFI BIOS RECOVERY Laptop comes with Windows 7: [SPOILER] Laptop comes with Windows 8.x: [SPOILER] Re: How to use the HP BIOS update (uefi) utility 08-16-2012 08:56 PM To save everyone time and frustration, HP BIOS update UEFI utility
(It’s basically a dump of the text shown in the BIOS interface if it wasn’t hidden) For me it was in a file called FE3542FE-C1D3-4EF8-657C-8048606FF670_1223.ROM (yours will very likely differ) For HP laptops you can obtain a readable fimrware image by using their BIOS update utility and having it make such plain bin files (advanced mode, third option).

TQ provides tools from Insyde® for the UEFI BIOS which allows the customization of the BIOS.

Please Note: The following Tools are only available on request.
For further Information please contact Support.

Insyde Flash Firmware Tool Download
  • H2OFFT™ (Firmware Flash Tool) for performing BIOS Update
  • H2OUVE™ (UEFI Variable Editor) to customize default BIOS Options
  • H2OLRT™ (Logo Replacement Tool) for a customized boot logo
  • H2OSDE™ (SMBIOS Data Editor) to facilitate easy modification of any SMBIOS (DMI) field
  • H2OEZE™ (Easy Binary Editor) to edit binaries in the BIOS, including Option ROMs, driver binaries, logos, and Setup values

Further Tools are only available from Insyde®:

  • H2ODDT™ (Developer Debug Tool) for source code level Diagnostic and Debugging
  • H2OPCM™ (Power Cycle Manager) for assisting in power-cycling the system while watching for initialization failures
  • H2OELV™ (Event Log Viewer)

Insyde Flash Firmware Tool Download

Using BIOS Tools

H2OFFT (Firmware Flash Tool)

H2OFFT (Firmware Flash Tool) to perform BIOS updates under supported OS environment.


  • FAT formatted USB stick with at least 32 MB of free storage space

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

  • Insyde Firmware Flash Tool H2OFFT-Sx64.efi (BIOS-Tools → H2OFFT (Firmware Flash Tool) → UEFI-Shell → InsydeH2OFFT_x86_EFI_Package_* → InsydeH2OFFT_x86_EFI_* → X64 → H2OFFT-Sx64.efi)

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and navigate into the EFI Shell (Boot Manager > Internal EFI Shell)
4. After starting the EFI Shell switch path to the USB stick by typing fs0:.This depends on the amount of conected mass storage devices; with command ls you can check the content of the path.
5. The following command examples shows how to use the H2OFFT Tool.

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

  • Insyde Firmware Flash Tool folder InsydeH2OFFT_x86_WIN64_* (BIOS-Tools → H2OFFT (Firmware Flash Tool) → Windows → X64 → InsydeH2OFFT_x86_WINx64_*)
  • Copy appropriate BIOS file for your TQ module to the folder InsydeH2OFFT_x86_WIN64_*

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and run Command Prompt as administrator
4. Switch path to the InsydeH2OFFT_x86_WIN64_* folder.
5. Following generic commands shows how to start the BIOS Update for TQMx86 modules.

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

  • Insyde Firmware Flash Tool folder InsydeH2OFFT_x86_LINUX64_* (BIOS-Tools → H2OFFT (UEFI Variable Editor) → Linux → X64 → InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_*)

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and open terminal
4. Switch path to the InsydeH2OFFT_x86_LINUX64_* folder
5. Extract tar package tar -xvf InsydeH2OFFT_x86_LINUX64_portable_*.tar.bz2
6. Install H2OFFT Tool sudo dpkg -i InsydeH2OFFT_x86_LINUX64_*.deb

  • If errors occur during driver installation, build driver manually:

7. Run following generic commands shows how to start the BIOS Update for TQMx86 modules.

H2OUVE (UEFI Variable Editor)

The H2OUVE (UEFI Variable Editor) allows to edit setup settings and variable data of the BIOS Image.


  • FAT formatted USB stick with at least 32 MB of free storage space

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

  • Insyde UEFI Variable Editor H2OUVE-Sx64.efi (BIOS-Tools → H2OUVE (UEFI Variable Editor) → UEFI-Shell → InsydeH2OUVE_x86_EFI_* → H2OUVE-Sx64.efi)

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and navigate into the EFI Shell (Boot Manager > Internal EFI Shell)
4. After starting the EFI Shell switch path to the USB stick by typing fs0:.This depends on the amount of conected mass storage devices; with command ls you can check the content of the path.
5. The following command examples shows how to use the H2OUVE Tool.

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

  • Insyde UEFI Variable Editor folder InsydeH2OUVE_x86_WINx64_* (BIOS-Tools → H2OUVE (UEFI Variable Editor) → Windows → X64 → InsydeH2OUVE_x86_WINx64_*)
  • Copy appropriate BIOS file for your TQ module to the folder InsydeH2OUVE_x86_WINx64_*

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and run Command Prompt as administrator
4. Switch path to the InsydeH2OUVE_x86_WINx64_* folder.
5. Following command examples shows how to use the H2OUVE Tool.

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

  • Insyde UEFI Variable Editor folder InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_* (BIOS-Tools → H2OUVE (UEFI Variable Editor) → Linux → X64 → InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_*)

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and open terminal
4. Switch path to the InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_* folder
5.Extract package tar -xvf InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_portable_.tar.bz2
6. Install H2OUVE Tool sudo dpkg -i InsydeH2OUVE_x86_LINUX64_*.deb

  • If errors occur during driver installation, build driver manually:

7. Run following generic commands shows how to start the BIOS Update for TQMx86 modules.

H2OLRT (Logo Replacement Tool)

This instructions guide you through the procedure of replacing the Bootlogo in EFI-Shell, Windows and Linux.
The H2OLRT (Logo Replacement Tool) generates a BIOS file that contains the desired Boot Logo instead of the TQ Logo.


  • FAT formatted USB stick with at least 32 MB of free storage space

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

  • Insyde Boot Logo Replacement Tool H2OLRT-Sx64.efi (BIOS-Tools → H2OLRT (Logo Replacement Tool) → UEFI-Shell → InsydeH2OLRT_x86_EFI_* → H2OLRT-Sx64.efi)
  • The new Boot Logo Picture formated as *.jpg (e.g. picture.jpg)

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and navigate into the EFI Shell (Boot Manager > Internal EFI Shell)
4. After starting the EFI Shell switch path to the USB stick by typing fs0:.This depends on the amount of conected mass storage devices; with command ls you can check the content of the path.
5. The following shows how to start the Logo Replacement.

H2OLRT-Sx64.efi Variable description

<SrcBIOSImageName> BIOS file in which the logo should be replaced
<LogoImagePathName> Path and name of the replacement picture
<IndexNum> Default index, where the picture must be stored.
TQMxE39S = 1
<ConvertNum> 0 = keep original image's format and dimension.
1 [default] = auto convert the image's format and dimension.
<OutBIOSImageName> path and name of the generated BIOS file

H2OSDE (SMBIOS Data Editor)

The tool H2OSDE (SMBIOS Data Editor) facilitates easy modifications of any SMBIOS (DMI) field.


  • FAT formatted USB stick with at least 32 MB of free storage space

1. Unzip BIOS-Tools ZIP file and copy the following to the USB stick:

2. Insert the prepared USB Stick to a Starterkit USB port
3. Boot up the system and navigate into the EFI Shell (Boot Manager > Internal EFI Shell)
4. After starting the EFI Shell switch path to the USB stick by typing fs0:.This depends on the amount of conected mass storage devices; with command ls you can check the content of the path.
5. The following command examples shows how to use the H2OSDE Tool.

  1. navigate to the H2OSDE program path and open the program GUI.exe

Alternatively, the program can also be executed in the windows command prompt:

  1. navigate to the H2OSDE program path and run following command:

Alternatively, the program can also be executed in the terminal:

Insyde Bios Firmware

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